Equine Eye has partnered with EOIT Club to provide a free SIM card to customers in the USA, Canada, UK, Europe, NZ and Australia. This SIM card comes with a week of free data, which means you can use your camera as soon as you receive it.

Customers are not obligated to use this EOIT SIM card at all, or to recharge it after the week of free data expires. Should you choose to renew with EOIT Club, options range from 30 days to 360 days with the full list of recharge and plan options here.

EOIT Club offers an innovative service, connecting to a range of carriers in each country. The carrier offering the best signal / service in your location will automatically be used.

Questions about EOIT Club’s service should be directed to EOIT Club. FAQ’s for the EOIT Club service are available here.

Please note that should you choose to source a SIM card from another carrier, if you are in the USA, Canada or Europe you require an IoT SIM. In Australia, NZ and the UK any cellular phone SIM card or data SIM card can be used.